Antimicrobial Stewardship

The following resources are intended to support pharmacists in their role as antimicrobial stewards. The resources offer general antimicrobial stewardship education and specific information to help guide decision making to ensure safe and responsible use of antimicrobials.

The resources found in the Assess Appropriateness and Patient Communication tabs have been specifically curated to support pharmacists using the Prescriptive Authority Decision-Making Framework for Level I prescribing. Navigate to the Continuing Education tab, or the General Tools and Resources (right side of the page), for broad learning.

To help guide the use of these resources, USask CPE has developed a short open-access module that offers a step-by-step process for assessing antimicrobial prescriptions, and some tips for challenging conversations that may arise with antimicrobial stewardship.

Appropriate Use of Antimicrobial


  • Saskatchewan Health Authority and Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital specific guidelines and antimicrobial susceptibility when available

Bugs and Drugs

  • Canadian treatment recommendations and antimicrobial dosing

Duration of Therapy infographic

  • Canadian Pharmacists Association

Sanford Guide

  • US subscription-based print and digital reference

Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (AMMI) Canada

Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

Other Tools to Support Appropriate Use

Viral Infection Prescription Pad

Antibiotic Harms 

  • RxFiles

The Cold Standard website

  • Choosing Wisely
  • toolkit for using antibiotics wisely for the management of respiratory tract infections 

Educational Materials for Healthcare Providers

  • US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • patient handouts and prescription pads for various topics including adverse effects, delayed prescriptions, symptomatic management, penicillin allergies 

Rethinking Antibiotic Prescriptions infographic

  • University of Waterloo 
  • 5 key points to consider when using antibiotics 

Antibiotic Stewardship and Rethink Antibiotic Prescribing videos

  • University of Waterloo

Penicillin Allergies

  • Drop the Label
  • Resources and Infographics
Shared Decision-Making Patient Resources

RxFiles Posters

  • Includes sinusitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis 

Choosing Wisely Patient Infographics

  • Infographics on various conditions
    • sinus infection, ear infection, cold/flu, etc.

Let’s Talk Antibiotics

  • Public Health Ontario 
  •  Infographics on various conditions
    • bronchitis, ear infection, sinus infection, sore throat, and "Do you think you need antibiotics?" 

Key Points for Patients

  • University of Waterloo 
  • infographic
Having Conversations with Patients about Antimicrobials

Script for communicating with patients requesting antibiotics for viral infections

Websites for Patients

Antibiotic Wise

  • General information about antibiotic use 

Do bugs need drugs? Guide to Wise Use of Antibiotics

  • Information on managing common infections 

Antimicrobial Stewardship: A competency-based approach  

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Audience: Health care providers prescribing antimicrobials.
  • Cost: Free
  • comprehensive course to equip clinicians with tools to improve use of antimicrobials in daily practice.  

Antimicrobial Stewardship Learning Opportunities

  • Nova Scotia Health
  • Audience: varies
  • Cost: Free (recorded webinars), links to a subscription-based course

McGill Antimicrobial Resistance

  • McGill
  • Audience: wide range (including pharmacists)
  • Cost: not being offered in 2024
  • 3 day course focusing on identifying practical approaches, tackling misuse, and discussing scientific advances

Antimicrobial Stewardship Certificate Program

  • Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists
  • Audience: pharmacists and other health care professionals
  • Cost: Free (recorded webinars), links to a subscription-based course
  • Cost: $600.00

Community Antimicrobial Stewardship Continuing Education

  • British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
  • Audience: Health care providers prescribing antibiotics in a community setting
  • Cost: Free (online modules) 

Be sure to check out resources and databases found on the Saskatchewan Health Information Resource Program (SHIRP) to help you with your clinical decision making and antimicrobial stewardship activities. medSask’s favourites include RxFiles, Dynamed, and CPS 

Share your feedback with medSask. Click here to report an error, omission, or barrier to using our antimicrobial stewardship page.

Page reviewed: January 2024